
Symptoms And Signs Of Lipoma

Lipomas are benign, noncancerous growths of fatty tissue that develop just beneath the skin. While generally harmless, they can be concerning to individuals who discover them. Understanding the signs and symptoms of lipomas can help individuals seek appropriate medical advice and treatment.

Soft, Movable Lump

One of the hallmark signs of a lipoma is the presence of a soft, rubbery lump beneath the skin. These growths are typically painless and can be easily moved or shifted by gently pressing. They are commonly found on the neck, shoulders, back, arms, and thighs.

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Slow Growth

Lipomas grow slowly, often taking months or even years to become noticeable. Initially, they may be small and go unnoticed, but they can become more apparent as they enlarge.

No Color Change

Lipomas typically share the same color as the surrounding skin, appearing as a flesh-colored or slightly yellowish lump. Unlike moles or other skin abnormalities, lipomas do not change color or exhibit any pigmentation.


Unlike many other skin conditions or growths, lipomas are generally painless. They do not cause discomfort or tenderness, even when touched or pressed upon. This lack of pain is a crucial distinguishing feature.

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Occasional Symptoms

In rare cases, lipomas can cause symptoms such as tenderness or pain if they press against nearby nerves or tissues. It tends to happen when the lipoma grows particularly large or is in a sensitive area.

Multiple Growth

While most individuals may only develop one lipoma, it is not uncommon for some to have multiple growths. This condition is known as lipomatosis, which can result in clusters of lipomas appearing in various areas of the body.