A dry throat is one of the most dreadful feelings to wake up to in the morning. It isn’t ideal for putting anything down your throat when you are sick, but eating when you are sick is vital.
Sore throats can be relieved by eating. Getting a few bites as you go can help you load up on vitamins and minerals that’ll help you fight off the infection causing your misery. An internal medicine physician and author, MD, says nutrient-dense foods are low-risk, high-potential prescriptions.

Image Credit: Shutterstock/Ahmet Misirligul & Pexels/Teejay
The severity and length of symptoms will determine whether a doctor visit is needed, but staying hydrated and resting are crucial.
Ice Cream
In addition to soothing the sore throat, cold foods like ice cream may even help reduce inflammation. It’s just a matter of not going overboard with the sugar.
Chicken Soup
It is caused by inflammation and dehydration that causes sore throats. As well as replenishing lost water, broth in chicken soup adds salt, allowing your body to retain fluid within your tissues. Vegans can use virtually any broth as long as it is vegetable-based.
A great source of protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats, yogurt also contains probiotic bacteria, which help strengthen the immune system and provide protection against harmful organisms. Moreover, yogurt’s cool and soft textures make it easy to swallow when nothing else soothes. It may be related to reduced rates of respiratory infections and ear pain if yogurt is consumed.

Image Credit: Pexels/Istvan Szabo
Since ancient times, honey has been a mainstay in medicinal remedies. Several studies have shown that Manuka honey is effective against various infections, including those that cause the common cold and some strains of Strep. Keep your sugar intake in check: “Too much sugar can suppress the immune system.”
Doctor Pearlman recommends apples as an anti-inflammatory food. Due to their fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidant content, apples can help reduce inflammation in the throat and speed up recovery time. The doctor suggests apple sauce if biting into an apple is too painful.