
You Should Never Mix These Medications With Coffee

For many Americans, a morning coffee kickstarts the day, often followed by a bathroom visit due to caffeine’s effects on digestion. Yet, this routine might interfere with medication absorption. Recent research reveals that coffee can profoundly impact how drugs are processed in the body. While not all medications are affected, it’s crucial to identify which ones should be kept separate from your coffee routine to ensure optimal effectiveness.

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Thyroid Medicine

Hypothyroidism causes weight gain, dry skin, joint pain, hair loss, and irregular periods due to low thyroid hormones. Levothyroxine is commonly prescribed for treatment. Mixing coffee with thyroid meds can significantly reduce drug absorption, possibly by over half, weakening its effectiveness significantly.

Cold Or Allergy Medication

Mixing caffeine-rich coffee with cold or allergy meds containing stimulants like pseudoephedrine can amplify restlessness and sleep disturbances. This interaction is especially pronounced with medications like fexofenadine. Consult your healthcare provider before combining coffee and these medications.

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Diabetes Medication

Combining coffee with sugar or milk can spike blood sugar and impact diabetes medication effectiveness. Research indicates caffeine may worsen diabetes symptoms by elevating insulin and blood sugar levels. While more research is required, excessive caffeine intake could complicate blood sugar management and raise diabetes-related risks. With over 37 million Americans having diabetes and almost 100 million having prediabetes, many depend on diabetes medications daily.

Alzheimer’s Medicine

Alzheimer’s disease ranks seventh in American mortality, primarily affecting those over 65. It impairs cognitive function, hindering daily tasks. Many Americans manage Alzheimer’s with drugs like donepezil, rivastigmine, and galantamine. Coffee’s caffeine can tighten the blood-brain barrier, reducing drug access to the brain. These medications safeguard acetylcholine neurotransmitters, and excessive coffee consumption can compromise this protection.