According to the Centers For Diseases Control and Prevention (CDC), one out of three adults does not get enough sleep. Studies have shown that people who lack sleep are more likely to develop chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, and depression.
It’s time to change your daily habits if you can’t get enough sleep so that you can improve your sleep health and your total health. You can improve your sleep by avoiding these foods.

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Sugary Foods And Beverages
Lauren Harris-Pincus said, “Choosing sugary foods and drinks in moderation is ideal for your overall health, but overeating can disrupt sleep.”
Sugar intake is significantly related to poor sleep quality. There is no research about consuming sugar right before bed, but the insulin response might cause blood sugar to dip while sleeping, causing cortisol to rise. The effect is even worse when caffeine is added to sugar-sweetened drinks.
Salty Foods
Bonnie Taub-Dix, RDN, warns against too many salty snacks before bed.
Taub-Dix suggests eating salty foods before bed may cause you to become thirsty before sleep, resulting in frequent bathroom visits disrupting your sleep. Salty foods can also cause fluid retention and raise blood pressure.
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and author Malina Malkani, RDN, says caffeine consumed less than 3 to 6 hours before bedtime can compromise sleep quality and quantity.
Many of Malkani’s clients who want to improve their sleep hygiene find avoiding caffeine after 3 pm a game-changer.

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Toby Amidor, RD, award-winning nutrition expert, believes alcohol helps you sleep. However, ” Research shows that this depressant disrupts normal sleep rhythm. Amidor suggests individuals stop drinking alcohol at least 2 hours before sleep to minimize alcohol’s effect on rest.
High-Fat Foods
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Mascha Davis, MPH, RDN, recommends avoiding high-fat foods, like potato chips and mozzarella sticks, before trying to sleep. Foods high in saturated fat may impact sleep, with fewer restorative nights and more wakings at night. It’s important to understand biology instead of blaming yourself for late-night poutine.