Has Its Own “Doomsday Plane”
When it comes to the protection of the sitting POTUS, nothing is left to chance. For this very reason, Air Force One has its own protection of a sort, in the form of a “Doomsday Plane”, call signl E-4B. Basically, this plan has Air Force Ones back. The plane is designed to stay in the air for days and is able to outrun the explosion of a nuclear weapon. The only function of this aircraft is the protection of Air Force One, and the POTUS, should its unique form of service is required. The 747 follows the POTUS aircraft everywhere it goes, with the sole purpose of a specialized type of security.

Image: USAF Police Alumni Association
A Massive Flying Fortress
Not only does Air Force one function as a means of travel to and from crucial destinations, but it also serves as a flying fortress to protect and secure the POTUS and any fellow passengers. Each and every window on the aircraft is armored and resistant to gunfire. There are flares that can be released from the craft, if needed, that will aid in confusing any enemy missiles. Finally, as a means to keep down on possible sabotage, both exits from Air Force one has its own retractable staircase, preventing the necessity to depend on airport staircases.

Image: WTTE
TV’s Abound
Believe it or not, Air Force One has twenty TVs on board. Each tv is strategically placed throughout the aircraft so that at any given time passengers will be able to view one. Although it has never been officially said why so many, there are two reasons that this may be. One would be that with Air Force One being such a massive structure, it would only hold that it would require more TVs than most aircraft. Second, with press and staff constantly flying with the POTUS, one would assume they would need to keep up to date on broadcasts and reports. It would only make their jobs that much less stressful. Plus we are sure that the multitude of TV’s is sure to provide a variety of viewing choices during long and tedious flights.

Image: Alux.com