Air Force One Is An Airborne Command Center
The gear aboard Air Force One is top-notch with superb satellite communications networks and extremely classified defensive measures that not only protect the plane during an attack, but can carry out attacks as well.
Most of us will never know the commands that have been made aboard Air Force One.
Why They Call Him “The Jelly Bean President”
President Reagan had a quirk about him– he loved jelly beans! A jar of jelly beans awaited him every time he boarded Air Force One.
When Reagan was a child, a nice man gave him jelly beans during his tour to the White House. “I didn’t know then, but the jelly beans were much more than a sweet treat, they represented the uniqueness and greatness of America,” said Reagan.

Air Force One Is Actually Air Force Three
There are two Air Force Ones, but only one is the real deal. They fly together so no one knows which one the president is actually on. “The Gulfstream,” known as the C-20C, is a jet that supposedly trails the other two planes, but the government and the Air Force deny it exists. Interesting…