
Should Parents Who Use Cannabis Discuss It with Their Kids? Expert Insights

With the legalization of cannabis in more states, “weed moms” are becoming the new “wine moms.” Some parents hide their cannabis use from their children, while others are open about it. Mike Colavita, a dad who creates glass accessories for cannabis use, believes in the importance of transparency. However, he plans to wait until his children, aged 5 and 11, are older before discussing his drug use with them. Colavita wants to be the one to inform them, although he acknowledges that someone else may beat him to it, as some parents of his kids’ friends already know about his cannabis use. For now, here are some expert recommendations for parents who use cannabis.

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Should Parents Discuss Cannabis Use With Their Children?

Grinspoon emphasizes the importance of honesty and openness when discussing drug use with children. Being transparent establishes trust, fosters communication, and encourages children to seek help if needed. For parents using cannabis medicinally, he suggests treating it like any other medication to destigmatize it. It is crucial not to lie if asked about drug use, as honesty preserves credibility and trust.

How Should Parents Tell Cannabis Use With Children

Experts agree that there is no universal approach to discussing parental cannabis use with children. Honesty is key. Grinspoon emphasizes the importance of responsible adult use and educates teens about the risks without exaggeration. McMahon suggests avoiding cannabis use in front of children to eliminate potential hazards.

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Discussing Cannabis With Children In Light Of Legal Changes

Cannabis is legal for recreational use in 21 states and medical use in 38 states, while it remains illegal in 12 states. Grinspoon advises parents to demonstrate law-abiding behavior and avoid legal complications. He also highlights that legality doesn’t always align with morality. Watford stresses the importance of responsible use discussions, regardless of legality, as legality doesn’t ensure safety. Ultimately, approaching the topic depends on the parent-child relationship.