Seaweed isn’t the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of healthy snacks. Despite that, seaweed, a variety of algae grown in water bodies, is highly nutritious, tasty, and versatile. Seaweed can be a great addition to your diet or enjoyed as part of a seaweed salad for lunch, regardless of whether you snack on nori or eat it as part of your regular diet.
Here’s what you need to know! Nutritionist Lisa Richards, dietitian Trista Best of Balance One Supplements, and registered nurse Krista Elkins from Health Canal revealed all about this surprisingly nutrient-packed food. Here are eight excellent benefits of eating seaweed based on their expert insight.

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Protects Against Disease With Antioxidants
An excellent way to prevent disease is to increase your antioxidant intake–and seaweed is a good source of antioxidants. Richard said, “Seaweed is rich in antioxidants, making it useful for protecting against and reversing oxidative damage to the cells.”
Reduces The Risk Of Diabetes
Americans are at risk of developing diabetes. It is possible to prevent it by lowering your blood sugar. A great way to manage blood sugar is to eat seaweed.
Enhances Gut Health
There’s a lot of buzzes these days about gut health! Gut health affects every aspect of our lives, from digestion to mood. Seaweed is a nutrient-rich food that can improve gut health, says Richards.
Reduces Weight
Fiber helps your body in more ways than just digestion. Seaweed makes a great addition to any weight loss diet because it contains plenty of this essential nutrient, especially if you’re trying to lose weight.

Image Credit: Shutterstock/Ingrid Balabanova
Protects The Heart From Disease
In addition to lowering cholesterol and protecting against heart disease, seaweed is high in fiber. Soluble fibers bind to bile salts and acids in your body, which replace cholesterol-raising elements and, in turn, lower cholesterol.
Boosts Thyroid Function
Healthline reports that eating seaweed regularly can also help you have a healthier thyroid because of its high iodine content. To avoid these issues, be sure to consume enough sources of iodine.
It Strengthens The Immune System
Certain studies look promising despite little research on this subject. Some seaweed compounds have antioxidant, anti-allergic, and disease-fighting properties that may prevent your cells from contracting viruses.
Strengthen Your Bones
Calcium isn’t just found in milk and dairy products! Regarding vitamins and minerals, certain types of seaweed, such as kelp, can be good food for promoting more robust bones.
Seaweed Preparation/Eating
Seaweed can be used in various ways, especially in Asian cuisine. It can be eaten as a crunchy snack, added to miso soup, or used to garnish grains and noodle bowls.
Seaweed is a delicious, nutrient-rich food with many health benefits. You can add it to your diet for health reasons, to boost your immunity, or to enjoy a salty snack without packing on the fat.