
Registered Dietitians’ Favorite Snack For Reducing Inflammation

Constant fatigue, frequent illnesses, weight fluctuations, aches, or skin rashes could indicate excessive chronic inflammation. While inflammation aids healing, prolonged high levels lead to health problems. Fight back with an anti-inflammatory diet of whole, minimally processed, nutrient-rich foods. Dietitian Kim Melton, RD, stresses its importance. Don’t overlook snack time either; for an anti-inflammatory diet, follow expert tips and choose the best snacks.

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Essential Guidelines For Reducing Inflammation Through Diet

To reduce inflammation through diet, prioritize minimally processed, nutrient-dense foods. Opt for lean proteins, high-fiber carbs, plant-based options like varied produce, healthy fats such as olive oil, avocado, and omega-3-rich fish like salmon, tuna, and mackerel. Antioxidant-rich foods are vital, as they shield tissues from damage, curbing inflammation. High-antioxidant options encompass fruits (especially berries), veggies, herbs, legumes, dark chocolate, coffee, and green tea.

Top Anti-Inflammatory Snack Option

Cording’s chosen anti-inflammatory snack: Berries and Greek yogurt. This combo offers antioxidants from berries and fiber, protein, and gut-friendly probiotics from yogurt. Greek yogurt’s higher protein content (around 20g per serving) provides lasting fullness. Backed by scientific evidence, probiotics help the gut and immune system by alleviating inflammation. Berries, a top antioxidant source, complete this power snack.

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Additional Snack Ideas To Reduce Inflammation

If yogurt isn’t your thing, try berries and walnuts for an anti-inflammatory snack. Walnuts bring fiber, protein, and anti-inflammatory omega-3 ALA. For a savory option, choose roasted baked or air-fried chickpeas. Another choice is half an avocado with hemp seeds and lemon juice—a favorite of Cording’s, supplying healthy fats and fiber. These convenient snacks, free from inflammation triggers, can replace chips with some planning. Stay prepared for cravings with these options on hand.