According to a recent study, adding milk to your coffee may make it taste better and have anti-inflammatory effects on the body. Inflammation is a normal and necessary part of the body’s immune response, but chronic inflammation can lead to various health problems, such as heart disease, cancer, and arthritis.

Image Credit: Pexels/Chevanon Photography
The study, which was conducted by researchers at the University of Vienna in Austria, found that drinking coffee with milk significantly reduced inflammation in the blood compared to drinking coffee alone. The researchers believe that the reduction in inflammation is due to the combination of caffeine and calcium in milk. Caffeine is known to have anti-inflammatory effects, and calcium is known to have a protective effect on the cardiovascular system.
The study was conducted on healthy participants randomly assigned to drink either coffee with milk or coffee alone. Blood samples were taken before and after the participants consumed the coffee. The researchers found that the participants who drank coffee with milk significantly reduced inflammation markers compared to those who drank coffee alone.
While this study provides preliminary evidence that adding milk to coffee may reduce inflammation, more research is needed to confirm these findings. It is also important to note that the study only looked at the effects of drinking one cup of coffee with milk per day, and the results may not be the same for those who drink multiple cups of coffee with milk.

Image Credit: Pexels/Anastasia Belousova
In conclusion, adding milk to your coffee may be more than just a way to improve the taste. It could also have potential health benefits, such as reducing inflammation. However, it is essential to remember that this is just one study, and more research is needed to confirm these findings. As with all things, moderation is vital, and it is essential to remember that too much coffee, with or without milk, can negatively affect the body.