
Intrusive Thoughts: Are They Normal Or Not?

Intrusive thoughts are distressing and involuntary thoughts that are difficult to manage. They often involve disturbing images or fears of misbehaving. Despite their prevalence, they are not indicative of abnormality or moral deficiency. If these thoughts become persistent and significantly distressing, seeking professional help is advisable. According to Gail Saltz, MD, an expert psychiatrist, intrusive thoughts are persistent, distressing, and difficult to shake off. They commonly involve fears of misbehaving or encountering embarrassing situations.

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Intrusive Thoughts: What Are They?

Intrusive thoughts can be repetitive and obsessive, playing repeatedly in our minds. While we have limited control over our thoughts, we can manage our perspective and approach towards them, according to experts. However, individuals experiencing intrusive thoughts often blame themselves and experience fear, shame, or guilt.

Intrusive Thoughts: Common Or Abnormal?

According to Dr. Saltz, sincere thoughts are every day and are experienced by most people occasionally. In a study by the American Psychological Association, about 94 percent of participants reported having at least one intrusive thought. If these thoughts cause distress, consume your mind, or affect your ability to focus on work or obligations, it’s essential to consult a mental health professional. It’s better to seek help sooner rather than later if you feel ashamed or unable to discuss these thoughts with others.

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Unveiling The Cause Of Intrusive Thoughts

Intrusive thoughts can be triggered by various factors, such as “ambiguous situations,” according to Cook. For instance, if someone displays unfriendliness or fails to respond to your message, it can lead to a spiral of intrusive thoughts. These thoughts often revolve around self-doubt and concerns like “Did I do something wrong?” or “Am I in trouble?” Stress and anxiety can also trigger intrusive thoughts, such as after an argument with a partner or a disagreement at work.