
In The Absence Of A Father, How Have Parents Handled Questions About Their Families

Families come in all shapes and sizes. Some have a mom and dad, and some have two moms, two dads, a single parent, or grandparents. In recent years, more families have opened up about their non-traditional structures, and parents have had to learn how to help their children navigate questions and comments from others.

One example is families with two moms who may face questions like “Which one of you is the real mom?” or “Where’s your dad?” Similarly, families with only one parent may hear questions like “What happened to your dad?” or “Why don’t you have a dad?”

Image Credit: Pexels/Ketut Subiyanto

In response, parents have had to find ways to help their children understand and feel comfortable with their family structure while teaching them how to handle questions and comments from others. One approach is to have open and honest conversations with their children about their families and answer any questions they may have. It helps children to feel secure in their family and to understand that there is no “normal” family structure.

Parents have also found that preparing their children for questions or comments they may receive from others is helpful. It may include role-playing scenarios or coming up with responses that the child can use. For example, a child from a family with two moms may respond to the question “Where’s your dad?” with “There’s no dad in our family, but I have two awesome moms!”

Image Credit: Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio

In addition, parents can provide their children with resources and support to help them navigate any challenges they may face. It may include books or movies featuring diverse families or connecting with families with similar family structures.

Parents must show their children that their family is just as valid and valuable as any other. By doing so, they can help their children feel proud of their families and confident in themselves.