
Here Are Five Signs That Your Boss Is Deeply Insecure

There is nothing more frustrating than working for an insecure boss.

Lynn Taylor, a workplace expert, and author, said, “Employees usually expect their boss to be authoritative and confident, someone they can admire too. But often, bosses who seem to lack that persona come along.”

Managers can retaliate against their subordinates if they lack confidence. These domineering bosses use a variety of tactics to keep their associates under their control. Check out these signs and tips to deal with insecurity.

Image Credit: Pexels/Yan Krukau

They Take Credit For Your Work

Taylor said, “Frequently, bosses who are unsure of themselves need to prop themselves up by taking credit for your accomplishments. It is frustrating and disheartening and can impede your ability to get work done. ” The best way to overcome a manager who steals your ideas is by finding strength in numbers.

You Can’t Meet Other Colleagues Or Advance Through Them

Brown said about the mindset of insecure bosses, “I don’t want you to threaten me or expose me. A manager of this type won’t give you any congratulations. They may lack self-confidence or be intimidated by others’ success, which leads them to see their direct reports as enemies.

They play gatekeeper roles, Brown said, controlling what you talk about with other teams and receiving information.

Micromanagement Is Their Style

They will likely hover over your shoulder for status updates because they don’t trust their team members. Laura Gallaher, an organizational psychologist, said, “If your boss is insecure with their competence, you will see them get rigid around control.”

Image Credit: Pexels/Pavel Danilyuk

If There Is A Perceived Mistake, They Explode

It can be difficult for your boss to accept feedback when they feel uncertain about their abilities. Brown said, “When people feel insecure, there’s less collaboration, and there is less consensus-building.” Brown recommends asking questions in groups rather than alone if your manager reacts overly.

Hands-Off So You Don’t Notice

It can be difficult for them to assert themselves because they lack trust in their judgment. To cope with this, Gallaher says you need to create psychological safety with them so that they don’t see you as an unforgiving person.

However, you should know when to stop talking to them. Getting along with an insecure boss can ruin your mental health.