The idea of getting the kids together for a photo shoot with a scenic background, coordinated outfits, and maybe a giant bow around the dog’s neck? It’s worth printing out and handing out to everyone you know who does not have small children and does not have the best modeling skills.
Amid another holiday season, countless families have to pose with wailing, fidgety kids, hoping to God that their clenched smiles convey holiday cheer, not rictus grins. Professional photographers can help you get a mantle-worthy family photo.

Image Credit: Shutterstock/Roman Samborskyi
Melissa Cole has been photographing Austin families for over two decades. She advises parents to be flexible and realistic. Her three children have taught her that even the best-laid plans can go wrong.
She said, “Keep your expectations natural and low. You may be disappointed during the shoot if you go in with an idea of the perfect family portrait.”
If you want to take your holiday photos when the weather is milder, you might like to schedule them sooner rather than expecting your toddler to smile in 30-degree weather. Do your restless kids need matching three-piece suits and pinch-toe dress shoes?
Cole said, “I encourage parents to dress their children in something they will not hate. Kids have their own strong-willed opinions. I won’t fight if they do not want to wear something.”

Image Credit: Shutterstock/Jenny_Tr
Even though treats can be effective bribes, Cole won’t give them out until after the shoot. It’s her favorite hack to talk about. “Getting everyone on the same level” when photographing multiple children, such as a newborn and her big brother, is the hardest part. Some people love pictures, and others don’t.”
If you experience a meltdown during your shoot, it’s not the end of the world. There may not seem to be anything perfect about those imperfections now, but they will soon become perfect. Cole says being a mom and having an atypical child has helped her understand how different children are. Several more tools are at my disposal.”