Awesome Idea

Easy Tips For Storing Apples About To Go Bad

We’ve all been there – a forgotten bag of apples left languishing in the kitchen, their once crisp skins now showing signs of aging. But before you toss them into the compost bin, consider this super easy trick that can help prolong the life of your apples and save you money.

The Trick: Wrapping In Newspaper

One of the simplest and most effective ways to extend the shelf life of apples that are about to go wrong is by wrapping them in a newspaper. This time-tested method creates a controlled environment that slows the ripening process and helps prevent premature spoilage.

Steps To Follow:

  1. Gather Your Supplies: You’ll need the apples showing signs of aging and a few sheets of newspaper.
  2. Wrap Each Apple Individually: Take a single sheet of newspaper and wrap it around each apple, ensuring it covers the entire surface. Make sure to leave no gaps where air can penetrate.
  3. Store in a Cool, Dark Place: Find a cool and dark spot in your kitchen or pantry to store the wrapped apples. It could be a drawer, a cupboard, or a corner of your pantry.
  4. Check Periodically: Keep an eye on your apples. Every few days, inspect them for any signs of further deterioration. Remove any apples that are beyond salvaging.

How It Works:

The newspaper acts as a barrier, helping to regulate the moisture levels around the apples. It prevents excess moisture from accumulating, a common culprit in premature spoilage. Additionally, it provides a cushioning effect, preventing the apples from touching each other and potentially causing bruising.

Furthermore, the newspaper helps block out light, accelerating the ripening process. It is essential for apples, as they are sensitive to light exposure.