Boomer Skills Millenials Just Won’t Use

Sustaining Marriage

Replaced by: Common-law
Different idea of the family unit

A century ago, the world was vastly different, and the expectation of marriage was almost a given. Today, the concept of family encompasses a much broader spectrum. We encounter more potential partners in a single session on a dating app than many people in the 1920s did throughout the year. The abundance of choices and the rise of individualism have led to a trend among many millennials to marry much later in life if they choose to marry at all. In our more liberally-minded society, the traditional institution of marriage often lacks a compelling rationale for the modern generation. Cohabitation, civil partnerships, and common-law arrangements are gaining popularity. Unlike in the past, when many boomers endured unhappy marriages due to societal norms, today, it’s much more feasible to part ways when needed.
