
Are You Concerned About Strange Behaviors In Your Cat?

If your cat tends to stare, scratch, or even make a “stinky face,” there’s no need for alarm. While perhaps odd to us, these behaviors are perfectly normal for cats. This guide will delve into these peculiar cat behaviors that might raise concern. We’ll also explain why your cat engages in them and discuss any necessary steps to ensure your cat’s well-being and health.

Late Night “Zoomies”

It’s not uncommon for cats to exhibit hyperactive behavior late at night, which can be alarming for others in the household. This phenomenon, known as Frenetic Random Activity Periods or ‘Frapping,’ is entirely normal. If you suspect your cat’s activity stems from stress or lack of stimulation, consulting a vet is advisable.

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Plastic Chewing

Many cats exhibit the behavior of chewing on plastic, though it’s considered undesirable and potentially risky if they ingest it. This habit is widespread and can be attributed to curiosity, boredom, or attraction to the scent. If you suspect your cat has ingested plastic, prompt veterinary attention is crucial.

Cat Drinking From Taps

Cats are naturally drawn to flowing water, which could explain why your feline friend gravitates towards drinking from a dripping faucet, shower, or pond. Their preference stems from a desire for cool, fresh water. It makes tap water a more enticing option for them compared to the stagnant water in their bowl.

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Furniture Scratching

Like nail-biting for humans, cats use this behavior to maintain sharp claws or communicate their feelings. It could also involve scent marking, addressing boredom, or overgrown nails. If you’re concerned about your cat scratching walls or furniture, consider offering a scratching post or ensuring their nails are well-maintained to redirect this behavior potentially.