
A Psychologist’s Guide To Your First Month Of Marriage Emotions

It won’t take long for you to realize how much you’ll love everyday married life after all the energy surrounding your wedding has subsided. There are a few surprises to be had in those early days and weeks after you become married. Preparing yourself for what lies ahead is the best way to deal with these new emotions.

Image Credit: Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio

Deflation Or Sadness

Rebekah Montgomery, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist specializing in premarital and relationship counseling, said, “It’s exciting to be engaged! There is so much love, enthusiasm, and support. After a while—it’s over.”

Montgomery recommends creating moments to look forward to on the calendar to cure these blues. Explore options for a long weekend getaway or plan a get-together with friends who couldn’t attend the wedding.

A Deeper Sense Of Pride And Love

Montgomery believes you will feel the depth of your commitment in the weeks following your wedding. She said, “Your relationship will feel different after marriage.” It might be that moment after your first post-married argument when you realize that neither of you is going anywhere or that deep sense that this person has become more than your partner.

The best part about wedding planning is that you have more time to appreciate the little things once it’s over. It’s important to relish the mundane intimacy of your life together and to talk actively about love, commitment, and your relationship.

Image Credit: Pexels/Ba Tik

Concerns About The Future

It will surprise you how soon after the wedding, your family, friends, and colleagues will ask you about various life decisions you may not have even considered. “Pressure for the next life milestone continues after marriage,” says Montgomery. “There can be pressure to buy a home, start a family, or progress to whatever the next goal may be.”

Embrace these questions as they come, she advises-and keeps a timeline that works for you and your new spouse. You should set your own pace as a couple and take advantage of every stage of your life together.