People may be oblivious to the damage your behavior is doing to their health and time if you are the kind of person nobody enjoys working with. Most people prefer to sit silent rather than speak out against a jerk.
Tessa West, an associate professor of psychology, said, “If you’re the jerk at work, don’t expect anyone to tell you. People have a hard time confronting jerks, and in many places, it’s non-normative to give people negative feedback they don’t ask for.
Consider your feelings if you want to know how others perceive you. Laura Gallaher, an organizational psychologist, said, “Someone is likely to think you’re a jerk if they don’t feel good about themselves in your presence. Check out these warning signs; you might be a jerk.

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It Might Be You Who Is The Jerk On Your Team
Jerk’s behavior impacts teams in subtle ways, which makes it hard to pinpoint the source, but when you’re around, you’ll notice your unit is dysfunctional.
West said, “The telltale sign that you’re a jerk often isn’t how people treat you; it’s how others on your team start treating each other.”
Your Direct Coworkers Have A Habit Of Leaving
The reason for people leaving or moving off your team could be you. Elena Armijo, a leadership and executive coach, said people often go to you without explaining why they quit, and when they don’t return, that’s a sign you’re a jerk.

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You Feel Continually Let Down By Your Team
Lashing out at your colleagues signifies that you feel like they’re the problem, not you.
Gallaher explains that people with this mindset deflect their focus and focus on others’ shortcomings instead of their own.
It’s Possible To Change Your Reputation And Make Amends
Establish a trusting relationship before giving feedback. Getting or asking for honest feedback about how your coworker thinks of you is difficult if their perception of you is negative. It may still be possible to salvage your relationships with your colleagues if you recognize your jerk behavior.