The holidays are not filled with love, cheer, and good vibes for many people. Stress can also be intense during this time. Setting boundaries during the holiday season is the perfect time to do so.
While having family in town and having holiday parties to attend is excellent, this can often mean violating personal space or provoking arguments over dinner. Many people struggle with setting boundaries, but they can help prevent some of these problems.

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Jessica Borelli, a professor of psychological science, said it is an essential part of healthy relationships. People need boundaries for various reasons, ranging from spending less time with someone to not attending an event they feel uncomfortable attending.
More so, experts say, establishing limitations with loved ones can result in unavoidable guilt. There are ways to manage your guilt and things to remember to make it a little less overwhelming.
Know That The Guilt You Feel Isn’t Necessarily A Bad Thing
Setting boundaries may lead to guilt, but you are making sure you get the treatment you deserve by setting them. Feeling guilty isn’t fun. It may be inevitable as you have unpleasant conversations. Racine Henry, a marriage and family therapist, said guilt is justified if it validates your feelings. And I think whatever you’re feeling is valid.”

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Set Boundaries With Someone Who Respects You
When you set boundaries, the right people in your life won’t react badly. Then they will be able to come back to you with a fresh mind and understanding. Henry said, “The people who love you, care about you, and have your best interest at heart will be happy about you creating this boundary.”
Boundaries Don’t Apply To Everyone
Setting boundaries doesn’t mean you have to do so with everyone in your life. Henry said people require different boundaries. She said, “That goes to show there are people who can treat you the way you want to be treated.” To set limits, one must be violating their self-respect or their inner peace.