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The Incredible Things You Can Do With Baking Soda

Baking soda is a highly versatile and budget-friendly product with many uses. It can effectively neutralize odors, clean surfaces, and deodorize various items. One of the best aspects of baking soda is that it doesn’t contain the harmful ingredients found in many contemporary products. There are many possible uses for it, and its versatility is remarkable. The possibilities are endless, from remedying skin rashes to eliminating unpleasant odors and extending cut flowers’ lifespan. Despite its numerous benefits, it’s surprising that more people are not taking advantage of its properties. For anyone looking to explore the great uses of baking soda, there are numerous applications to consider. So, next time you’re looking for a safe and affordable solution, don’t forget to try baking soda!

Refrigerator Deodorization

Foul smells emanating from refrigerators due to leftover food or a lack of cleaning can be disgusting, especially if they are embedded in your food. The good news is that the solution is straightforward – open a box of baking soda and place it at the back of the appliance. The deodorizing properties of baking soda will neutralize any odors lurking inside, making it smell fresh again. Maintenance is minimal; replace the box every couple of months. This effortless and effective solution will prevent unpleasant smells from permeating your food and keep your fridge smelling clean and fresh.

Silverware Polish

Polishing silverware can be tedious and messy, but a more straightforward method can save you time and effort. You can make a paste using three parts baking soda and one part water, and then rub it onto the silver flatware using a cloth or sponge. Rinse and dry, and you’re done! This easy solution means you don’t have to worry about keeping your silverware clean, especially when you receive a bunch for a special occasion. Baking soda can work wonders, making your silverware shine and saving you time and hassle.

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Microwave Cleaning

The microwave can accumulate food grime quickly, making it one of the dirtiest areas in your kitchen. However, you can easily clean it with baking soda and elbow grease. Just pour some baking soda on a damp cloth and use it to scrub the oven’s interior, removing any residue and leaving it clean and fresh-smelling. Baking soda not only cleans the surface but also deodorizes it, making it a simple and effective way to clean the appliance with minimal effort. Don’t let a dirty microwave be an eyesore in your kitchen; try this easy cleaning hack today!

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Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Ants

Ants are a nuisance, especially when they invade your home for food. While many traps are available in the market, you can get rid of them quickly without spending much money. Just mix equal parts baking soda and salt, and sprinkle the mixture in the area where you see the ants coming into your house or kitchen. The solution acts as a deterrent, keeping the insects away. Not only is it a cost-effective solution, but it is also eco-friendly as it doesn’t contain any harmful chemicals. So next time you see an ant infestation, turn to baking soda and salt for a natural and effective solution.

The Ease Of Insect Bites

Bug bites can be uncomfortable and itchy; forgetting to use bug spray can leave you with unsightly marks. But relief is a few simple steps away if you have some baking soda. Mix baking soda and water to create a paste, and apply it to the affected area as a salve to speed up healing. This home remedy is perfect for those who are often bitten by mosquitoes and want to treat the bites quickly. Best of all, it requires minimal effort to create the solution.

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Brush Your Teeth And Freshen Your Breath

If you’re looking for a quick fix for bad breath, add a teaspoon of baking soda to a glass of water and swish it in your mouth before spitting it out. It is a simple and natural solution to freshen up your breath. Baking soda can also be used as a natural toothpaste, although it’s important to note that some experts recommend using it only occasionally due to its abrasive properties. Adding baking soda to your homemade toothpaste every few weeks can give your teeth a nice, clean, polished look.

Keep Your Hairbrush Clean

Likely, you haven’t cleaned your hairbrush or comb in years, resulting in an unsightly residue buildup. However, the solution is simple: baking soda can breathe new life into your brush and make it look as good as new. To remove oils and other buildup on your comb or brush, immerse it in a water and baking soda solution. Combine one teaspoon of baking soda with one cup of water, soak the brush, rinse it, and then allow it to dry. This quick and easy method will restore the cleanliness and effectiveness of your hair styling tools.

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Get The Floor Mopped

Mopping the floor can be arduous, and using traditional cleaning solutions can be a hassle if you run out or prefer a more natural option. Fortunately, you can mix a half-cup of baking soda with warm water to create a safe and effective cleaning solution. This method is especially beneficial because it’s less toxic than many store-bought cleaners that may contain harsh chemicals or bleach. Using baking soda can avoid these risks and enjoy an easy and stress-free cleaning experience. So, next time you need to mop your floors, try this natural cleaning solution for a cleaner and safer home.

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Sink Unclogging

Cleaning a clogged drain is an unpleasant task that many homemakers dread. However, a simple solution can help you tackle this annoying problem without using harsh chemicals like Drano. You only need 1/2 cup of baking soda, one cup of vinegar, and some hot water. Mix the ingredients and pour the solution into the clogged drain. Wait for a short time, and the clog will dissolve. This clever solution works well on both wash sinks, and bathtub drains. So next time you’re faced with a clogged drain and don’t have any Drano on hand, use this natural remedy for a quick and effective fix.

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Get Rid Of Foggy Headlights

If your car’s headlights have become foggy or yellowed, there’s a simple solution to restore them to their original state. First, use a soft microfiber cloth to clean the headlights and remove dust or dirt. Next, make a thin soapy solution by mixing a tablespoon or two of liquid soap with water. Use this solution to clean the headlights, then rinse them off. Finally, create a thick paste by mixing one or two tablespoons of baking soda with white vinegar. Apply the paste to the headlights and polish gently with a dry cloth. Repeat the process as needed until the headlights become bright and clear again. This quick and easy fix will help improve your visibility and keep you safe on the road.

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Preserve Flowers For Longer

Receiving a beautiful bouquet is a joy for many women and some men. However, the disappointment of watching them wilt and fade away too quickly can be disheartening. Fortunately, there’s a simple trick to make them last longer. Add a teaspoon of baking soda to the water in the vase, and the flowers will stay fresher for an extended period. So the next time you receive a thoughtful bouquet from your child or a loved one, show your gratitude by keeping the arrangement fresh and vibrant for as long as possible. This easy and effective solution will remind the flowers of the kindness and love that inspired the gift.

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Keep Fruits & Veggies Clean

It’s common knowledge that fruits and vegetables can be laden with dirt and grime, so washing them before consumption is essential. However, simply washing them with plain water may not be enough. For more thorough cleaning, mix 1/4 cup of baking soda in a sink full of water, and use it to wash the produce gently. Rinse the fruits and vegetables with clean water after washing them. This safe and effective technique ensures your produce is as clean as possible before consumption. This simple step can help you enjoy healthier meals and ensure that your pears, apples, tomatoes, and other products are free of harmful contaminants.

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Getting Rid Of Crayon Marks

Children tend to create disorder with their belongings. They scatter their toys and clothes throughout the house and can be pretty untidy when eating, particularly when young. Additionally, they habitually draw on surfaces not designated for such activity as walls. Even though you may appreciate Susie’s artwork of a rainbow, you don’t desire it on the living room wall. Fortunately, getting rid of crayon marks is a relatively simple task. Apply baking soda to a damp cloth and gently rub the marked area of the wall. Afterward, use a clean, dry cloth to wipe the surface clean.

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Keep Your Coat Closet Fresh

A coat closet is undoubtedly functional but requires regular cleaning and upkeep, just like any other part of your home. Neglecting it for an extended period can lead to dampness and mustiness, especially during summer or different seasons. To ensure that the items inside the closet remain in good condition, place an open box of baking soda on the shelf – much like how you do it in your refrigerator. This simple trick will help eliminate odors and keep all your winter jackets and coats feeling fresh.

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Get Rid Of Toilet Odors

The toilet is likely to be one of the most unpleasant-smelling areas in your home. Given the high frequency of use, neglecting proper care and cleaning can result in a potent stench. Fortunately, a few straightforward measures can help combat the odor. Add a cup of baking soda to the toilet and leave it there for about an hour before flushing. The baking soda cleans the commode and absorbs the unpleasant odor. This straightforward task is something everyone should adopt to make life more pleasant and fragrant.

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Getting Rid Of Odors From Clothes

Incorporating baking soda into your laundry routine is a simple yet effective way to keep your clothes smelling great. It eliminates odors and enhances the effectiveness of your laundry detergent or bleach, leaving your clothes smelling fresh and clean. Baking soda’s odor-eliminating properties extend beyond the refrigerator to soiled clothes. The accumulation of bacteria can significantly contribute to the development of unpleasant odors, necessitating additional measures to eliminate them. One such measure is adding half a cup of baking soda to a laundry load, which helps neutralize the pH level of the water in the washing machine.

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Make Your Hands Odor-Free

Do you struggle to eliminate strong odors from your hands, especially after handling aromatic ingredients such as garlic or onions? It is a common problem home cooks face, but fortunately, the solution is simple. Rub your hands with a mixture of baking soda and water, which will effectively remove the odor. Clean your hands with this solution to remove dirt and other residues. Eliminating unpleasant odors from your hands can improve your focus and allow you to concentrate on other tasks. Therefore, don’t overlook this helpful tip that can significantly impact your daily routine.

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Dust Mite Removal

Pesky dust mites can be challenging to remove as they hide in the tiny crevices of fabrics found in furniture and rugs. Luckily, baking soda can help eliminate them. Sprinkle baking soda onto the surface where dust mites reside. Baking soda’s moisture-absorbing properties will work to remove the moisture that dust mites thrive in. After an hour, vacuum the baking soda off the surface of the rug or furniture, and the dust mites will be gone. It is an easy and effective method to eliminate these pesky little creatures and make your living spaces more comfortable.

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Getting Rid Of Pesky Dark Nail Polish

Enjoy beautiful, stain-free nails with the help of baking soda. Dark nail polish stains can be frustrating and challenging to remove, but baking soda can come to the rescue. Create a thick paste by mixing baking soda and water, and apply it to your nails. Leave the mixture on your nails for about five minutes, then wash it away. Astonishingly, your nails will be free of stains and ready for a fresh coat of nail polish. This simple and effective hack can save you time and money by eliminating the need for costly nail polish removers.

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Make Your Feet Softer

Show your feet some love with this simple and effective trick. Our feet are subjected to a lot of wear and tear daily, from standing to walking, working, exercising, and spending time with loved ones. It’s no surprise that they get tired and sore. However, you can give your feet extra care and attention by soaking them in three tablespoons of baking soda and a small tub of warm water. It will help to soothe and soften your feet, providing a relaxing and refreshing experience after a long day at work or a hectic day with the kids.

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Sweeten Tomatoes With Baking Soda

Here’s a gardening trick to add sweetness to your homegrown tomatoes: encircle your tomato plants with baking soda. The baking soda will be absorbed by the plant through its roots and can enhance the sweetness of the tomatoes when they’re ripe for picking. However, it’s important to avoid pouring baking soda on the leaves of the plant and only apply it to the soil around the base of the plant. Try this tip and enjoy the delicious taste of your homemade tomatoes!

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Create A Deodorant

Baking soda’s deodorizing properties make it a natural choice for use as a deodorant. While some people sprinkle the substance on their armpits to combat odor, it is essential to note that baking soda alone won’t work as an antiperspirant. For individuals with sensitive skin, using baking soda alone may be too harsh. However, combining it with other ingredients can make it an effective and gentle deodorant. It is convenient when you run out of your regular product and need a quick fix to keep you smelling fresh all day.

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Clean The Tiles, Sink, And Other Parts Of The Bathroom

As previously mentioned, baking soda helps mop floors and clean bathtubs, sinks, and wall tiles. Sprinkle it onto the desired surface and wipe it clean with a damp cloth. Then, rinse and dry. Alternatively, you can create a paste by mixing baking soda with water. It is an efficient way to keep your bathroom and kitchen clean and fresh without requiring too much time and effort. Surprisingly, more people don’t use baking soda for home cleaning, given its effectiveness and affordability.

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Keeping The Litter Box Odor-Free

Caring for kittens can be a delight, except for one unpleasant aspect – cleaning their litter box. It’s a smelly and distasteful task that no one enjoys. However, you can make the job less unpleasant by using baking soda. To get started, sprinkle baking soda on the bottom of the litter box and then add the litter on top. It will help to absorb any unpleasant odors. For freshening up the litter box between changes, you can sprinkle baking soda on top of the litter. It’s a simple and effective solution to keep the litter box area smelling fresh and clean.

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Dissolve Permanent Marker On Washable Surfaces

As kids, we have all been tempted to reach for permanent markers when seeing a whiteboard or smooth surface. Unfortunately, some kids give in to the temptation, leaving a mess of permanent scribbles. Thankfully, baking soda can work magic on these doodles. Mix water and baking soda on a sponge to clean the marked area. This simple hack can help remove permanent marker stains without damaging the surface. It’s a lifesaver for parents and teachers who deal with naughty kids who can’t resist using permanent markers.

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Turn Your Spaghetti Into Ramen

If you’re craving ramen but only have spaghetti or angel hair pasta, don’t worry! Baking soda can help you transform them into delicious ramen noodles. Start by boiling water with baking soda and salt, add the pasta, and don’t let the water reduce. Once cooked, you’ll have springy yellow ramen noodles ready to be made into a delicious soup. Don’t let the lack of ramen noodles stop you from enjoying your favorite dish. With this simple baking soda hack, you can satisfy your cravings with what you have on hand.

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Don’t Spend More On Dry Shampoo

Say goodbye to expensive dry shampoos and hello to your new favorite, budget-friendly hair hack! Dry shampoo can be expensive, and buying it often can burden your wallet. Luckily, baking soda is a great alternative to save you money and time. To create a paste, you only need one tablespoon of baking soda mixed with water. Apply the paste to your scalp, scrub gently, and let it sit for 3-5 minutes before rinsing it off. Although it may not leave your hair as dry as store-bought dry shampoos, it will still work as an adequate substitute and save you a wash on your hair.

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Keep Your Carpets And Rugs Clean

Instead of borrowing a rug cleaner from your mother-in-law, grab that baking soda from your cupboard to clean your carpets hassle-free. These machines are a pain to carry around and leave your carpets wet for days, but baking soda removes odors and dirt. Just sprinkle it over your carpet, massage it into the fibers, and vacuum it up. It’s that easy! Plus, it also cleans your vacuum’s insides. With baking soda, you won’t have to spend extra money renting machines or hiring professional carpet cleaners.

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Rust Removal From Stainless Steel

Even if something is labeled as “stainless,” it can still rust or damage over time. If you’re dealing with rust spots on your car, appliances, or other stainless steel surfaces, you can use baking soda to remove them. Mix a tablespoon of baking soda with 2 cups of water, then use a toothbrush to scrub the solution into the stain. Rinse the surface, then wipe it down with a damp paper towel. You can restore your stainless steel to its original shine with some elbow grease.

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Putting Out (Small) Grease Fires

If you ever encounter a small grease fire while cooking, it’s essential to have the right fire extinguishing equipment and never use water. However, if baking soda is all you have, it can help put out small grease fires. Just be sure to use common sense and take necessary safety precautions. If a small grease fire occurs in your pan, turn off the heat, cover the pan with a lid, sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda, and only use a fire extinguisher as a last resort if the fire continues to burn.

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Restore The Appearance Of Your Non-Stick Pots

No matter how non-stick a kitchen pan advertises to be, inevitably, it will eventually develop brown spots. But you can make your kitchen gear sparkle again with some help from baking soda. Boil a large pot of water, add a cup of baking soda, let your pots and pans soak in it for 20-30 minutes, then scrub any tough spots. This method works for the basin of the pan, as well as the underside. This easy cleaning hack gives you kitchen gear that even a renowned chef like Gordon Ramsay would respect.

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Easy Peeling Of Hardboiled Eggs!

Peeling hardboiled eggs can be frustrating, often resulting in broken eggs and a messy kitchen counter. But with some help from baking soda, you can say goodbye to this problem for good. Add a teaspoon of baking soda to the water before boiling your eggs, and the shells will come off quickly. And don’t worry; your eggs won’t taste baking soda—this simple trick works by increasing the water’s alkalinity, making the eggshells easier to remove. So the next time you make hardboiled eggs, add a bit of baking soda to the water, and enjoy perfectly peeled eggs in no time!

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Keep Your Garden Pest-Free

Keeping critters away from produce gardens is always challenging for anyone with a green thumb. You can combat those invasive garden pests with a bit of baking soda! Add equal parts flour and baking soda to the produce you’re trying to save and sprinkle the mixture to make it less attractive to cabbage worms. When the worms nibble, they will die. Now that you have used baking soda, you can enjoy the fruits of your labor.

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Don’t Let Blackheads Annoy You

Blackheads are a common skin concern, particularly on the nose. These stubborn little spots are pimples without the skin covering them, allowing oil and debris to oxidize and form a black dot. Luckily, baking soda can come to the rescue. To make a blackhead-busting paste, mix one teaspoon of baking soda with one teaspoon of water, and apply the paste to your wet face. Allow it to sit for a minute, then rinse it off. The baking soda will help to cleanse the pores of impurities, remove dead skin cells, and prevent blackheads from forming in the future.

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The Best Facial Cleanser You Can Make

You can save money and give your skin a break from harsh chemicals by using a DIY facial cleanser made with baking soda. This gentle cleanser will refresh your face without stripping it of its natural oils. To make it, you’ll need four drops of melaleuca essential oil, three drops of cedar wood essential oil, and three drops of lavender essential oil. Mix these with 1/2 cup of baking soda and 1/2 cup of coconut oil to create a paste that gently exfoliates your skin without irritating it. Use it like any other facial cleanser, and enjoy the benefits of a natural, effective skin care solution.

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Baking Soda Removes Crud From Irons

For an easy fix, you can use baking soda to remove the mineral or scale buildup on your clothing iron. With a clean iron, you won’t have to worry about the deposits affecting your clothes. Just create a paste of baking soda and water, and scrub it onto the metal part of the iron. Then, wipe it off to get a shiny and clean iron. The best part is that you can also use this hack for cleaning hair straighteners and curling irons. So, grab your baking soda to make your irons look as good as new!

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Be Sure To Clean Your Drains As Well

If you’re tired of dealing with a clogged sink, there’s an easy solution that doesn’t involve harsh chemicals or tedious scrubbing. Grab some baking soda and apple cider vinegar and get to work. Mix them and pour the mixture down the sink, letting it bubble for 15 minutes. Then, pour a pot of hot water down the drain to clear it out. Not only is this hack effective, but it’s also eco-friendly and won’t harm your plumbing. Say goodbye to the hassle of a clogged sink and hello to a clear, functioning drain with this simple and easy-to-use hack.

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There’s No Stinky Shoe Smell

Stinky feet can be embarrassing, especially when the odor is so foul that it persists even when wearing shoes. Luckily, baking soda can help you eliminate that unpleasant smell. All you have to do is sprinkle baking soda on your shoes, and the odor will disappear within minutes. Once the baking soda has done its job, tap the loose powder out, and you’re ready. This simple solution is an effective and affordable way to freshen up your shoes without relying on expensive foot sprays or deodorizers. Baking soda is a natural odor eliminator, so you don’t have to worry about exposing yourself to harsh chemicals or artificial fragrances.

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Used While Washing Car

If your car gets dirty, don’t rush to the gas station car wash or buy expensive soap from the hardware store. Baking soda can do the job just fine! Mix 1/4 cup of baking soda with 1 cup of warm water to clean your car to create a paste. Then, use a sponge to apply the paste onto your car. Remember that baking soda is abrasive, so dry your car thoroughly. This simple hack will save money and quickly leave your car looking new.

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DIY Shower Soothers Can Help With Congestion

Shower soothers are excellent for clearing up a congested nose and sinuses but can be expensive. Save some money and make your own with baking soda! Mix 3 cups of baking soda and 1/3 cup of water, and pour the mixture into a cupcake tin lined with paper. Bake the mixture for 20 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit, then add a few drops of essential oil on top. Your DIY shower soothers will mix with the steam to help you breathe easier.

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Getting Rid Of Pesky Sidewalk Crack Weeds

Dealing with weeds growing in the cracks of sidewalks can be confusing for many of us. It’s often difficult to decide whether to ignore them or try to dig them out with a chopstick. However, there is a simple solution to this problem: baking soda. You can effectively eliminate weeds by moistening them and sprinkling baking soda. Alternatively, dump the baking soda into the cracks to prevent weed growth. This method is a safe and eco-friendly alternative to using harmful pesticides. With baking soda, you can stand up to these pesky weeds and keep your sidewalks clean and well-maintained.

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Get In The Pool Right Away!

If you have a pool in your backyard that has been unused for an extended period, baking soda can be an excellent solution to clean it up. Create a paste with water and baking soda, and use it to scrub away the dirt, algae, and bug remnants. Another benefit of baking soda is that it naturally increases your pool water’s alkalinity. To do this, add 1.5 pounds of baking soda for every 10,000 gallons of water to increase alkalinity by ten ppm. It is a fantastic alternative to other chemicals, and it can help you maintain a sparkling clean, healthy pool without any harmful effects.

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Get Rid Of Cold Sores

Cold sores can be a significant source of annoyance and embarrassment, as they are often difficult to hide and resist picking at. Rather than purchasing expensive creams from the drugstore, you can turn to trusty baking soda for a solution. Mixing a paste of water and baking soda and applying it to the affected area can quickly dry out the cold sore and reduce its size. Baking soda has a range of uses, and this is just one of them. It is a simple, cost-effective, and natural remedy that can help you eliminate cold sores without any adverse side effects.

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Make Your Coffee Less Acidic By Adding It

Coffee is a beloved beverage, but the high acidity levels can cause discomfort in some people. If you’re one of them, there’s a simple solution: baking soda. Unlike sugar, you don’t want to mix baking soda directly into your coffee cup. Instead, add a pinch to the top of the coffee grounds before brewing. As baking soda is alkaline, it can help neutralize the acid in the coffee, making it easier on your stomach. This simple trick can help you enjoy your morning cup of coffee without worrying about any uncomfortable side effects. It’s a cost-effective and natural way to make your coffee less acidic and more enjoyable.

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Keep Dentures And Retainers Clean And Smelling Fresh

Cleaning your retainer or dentures is essential for maintaining good oral hygiene and eliminating any unpleasant odors that may arise. Baking soda is a natural and cost-effective solution that can help improve oral health and make wearing your retainer or dentures more comfortable. Wearing acrylic and metal in your mouth all day can cause bad breath, but baking soda can help. To use baking soda, add two teaspoons of it to warm water and let it dissolve. Then, place your retainer or dentures in the mixture for a few minutes. Afterward, remove and dry them before reinserting them for a fresh and clean outcome. This simple method is an easy and effective way to keep your mouthpiece smelling and feeling fresh.

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Cleans The Terminals Of Your Car Battery

Baking soda can be handy for cleaning your car battery terminals, effectively removing dirt, grime, and even rust. The professionals at Autozone recommend this method on their blog, and it’s easy to see why. First, disconnect the battery from your vehicle. Then, apply baking soda to each terminal, ensuring complete coverage. Add water slowly to the baking soda mixture, which should begin to bubble. After a few minutes, use a light wire brush to clean the terminals gently. Once cleaned, dry the terminals thoroughly. Finally, reattach the battery to your car. This straightforward and cost-effective method can help keep your car’s battery terminals clean and functioning correctly, potentially prolonging the lifespan of your battery.

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Cleaning Vinyl Shower Curtains Without Removing Them

If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to refresh your bathroom, cleaning your vinyl shower curtain is a great place to start. You can leave the curtain in place or remove it before cleaning. Start by sprinkling baking soda all over the vinyl shower curtain, then gently scrub the surface using a damp brush to remove dirt and other residues. Once you’re happy with the results, rinse away any remaining baking soda and hang the curtains to dry. This simple and affordable method is a great way to keep your vinyl shower curtain looking clean and fresh for longer without harsh chemicals or expensive cleaning products.

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Super Glue And Baking Soda To Fix Holes In The Wall

Instead of going to the hardware store to buy plaster, you can try the baking soda and super glue to spackle holes in your wall. Home fixer expert Bob Vila says you can mix a small amount of baking soda with super glue using a toothpick. Immediately apply the mixture directly to the hole in the wall and wait for it to dry completely. Once dry, sand the surface level with the wall. Although this method may not be the most elegant solution, it creates a stronghold you can paint over. This simple and affordable DIY fix can save you a trip to the hardware store and help you quickly repair small holes in your walls.

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Make Your Own Air Freshener

You don’t need to look further than your pantry to create a natural air freshener with a long-lasting scent. By using baking soda and essential oils, you can create a non-toxic and non-corrosive air freshener that’s perfect for any room in your home. Add a tablespoon of baking soda to a spray bottle, then add five to six drops of your favorite essential oil. Shake the bottle thoroughly to combine the ingredients, and then spritz the mixture into the air or onto furniture. With this simple recipe, you can enjoy the benefits of aromatherapy without relying on harsh chemicals or artificial scents. To avoid damage, test the mixture on a small furniture area.

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Refresh Smelly Garbage Cans

It’s no surprise that baking soda can freshen garbage cans. Many garbage bags already have built-in baking soda, so why not use the same product to keep your actual garbage can smelling fresh? All you need to do is sprinkle some baking soda into the bottom of your trash can, which will help keep unpleasant odors at bay. When it’s time to clean your garbage can, add water and use baking soda to start the scrubbing process. It is a great way to keep your trash can clean and odor-free and use baking soda practically, saving you time and money. So, try this hack and see the difference it can make in keeping your home smelling fresh and clean.

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Freshen Up Your Gym And Sports Gear

Try baking soda to avoid the unpleasant stench of sweaty workout clothes and gear in your gym or sports bag. After placing your sweaty items in the bag, sprinkle some baking soda into it. The baking soda will help absorb and neutralize the odors. Once you remove your gear for washing, your bag should stay relatively fresh compared to its characteristic odors. This simple hack is even recommended by Arm & Hammer on its Amazon product page. By using baking soda to freshen up your gym or sports bag, you can avoid carrying around the unpleasant scent of stale sweat and keep your bag smelling clean and fresh.

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Using Baking Soda And Water To Clean Toys

Keeping your child’s toys clean can be daunting, especially when they’re often exposed to germs. But, with baking soda, you can easily clean their favorite toys without any hassle. Begin by mixing four tablespoons of baking soda with one quart of water. Soak the non-electronic toys in the solution for a few minutes before gently scrubbing them with a damp cloth or sponge. Finally, rinse the toys with fresh water and dry them off. This method is convenient after a birthday party or when several children have played with the toys, leaving them dirty and germ-infested.

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Baking Soda Reduces Bean Bloating

If you love eating beans but hate the uncomfortable bloating that comes with them, baking soda might be the solution you’re looking for. Beans contain oligosaccharides, a sugar that our bodies struggle to digest, causing gas. A study conducted in 1986 discovered that adding a small amount of baking soda to the water used to soak dried beans can reduce this sugar content and alleviate the gas-inducing effects of eating beans. However, it’s essential not to use too much baking soda, as it can affect the texture and taste of the beans. So next time you prepare your beans, try this baking soda hack to enjoy all the benefits without the unpleasant after-effects.

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Tea Tastes Different

For years, many Southerners have relied on a simple tea and baking soda hack to improve the taste of their tea. If you find the bitter taste of caffeine or the astringent tannins of tea unpleasant, adding just a pinch of baking soda can help. This baking soda trick is particularly effective for sweet tea, which is why it’s more commonly known in the South. With just a small amount of baking soda added to your tea, you can significantly reduce the bitterness and cloudiness of your beverage. It’s an easy and cost-effective way to improve your tea’s taste without adding any sugar or artificial sweeteners.

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