
America’s Most Well-Known First Ladies — Ranked

Pat Nixon

Pat Nixon’s “sole ambition,” according to reports, was to “go down in history as the wife of a president.” Alas, history will primarily remember her for that. Despite being one of the most well-traveled first ladies in history, acting as ambassador and assistant, and vocally supporting equal rights, she scored low across numerous measures, including leadership, own woman, and achievement.

Her credibility is also lacking, possibly due to her husband Richard’s tragic Watergate scandal. Pat advised him to erase the incriminating cassette recordings while they were still private property, and instead of resigning, he should defend the charges.

Additionally, she played a pivotal role in making the White House more accessible to the hearing impaired, the physically disabled, and those whose work schedules only permitted nighttime off. She gained the harsh nickname “Plastic Pat” for her stiff smile, but Pat stated that the criticism did not disturb her in interviews.
