Home Hacks

35 Crazy Life Hacks, Shortcuts, And Gadgets You Never Knew Existed

Marshmallow For Sore Throat

You wake up to find you are suffering from a sore throat.  It is raw, scratchy, and just plain ol sore.  What do you do?  You could use a lozenge, or cough syrup to help get past it.  Or you could try another method.  What would that method be?  Well, you simply bust out a big ol bag of marshmallows.  Yep, you heard me right—marshmallows.  Sap from marshmallow plants has been used for centuries in the treatment of coughs, cold and yes, sore throats.  According to health officials, the marshmallow coating which consists of gelatin is what aids in soothing and relieving a sore throat.  Who knew, that everyone’s favorite s’more ingredient did double duty to soothe your throat as well.

Image: Today Show
