Skin care

Here’s How Dermatologists Say You Can Get Rid Of Hives Fast

Hives, also known as urticaria, are itchy, raised welts that appear on the skin and can cause significant discomfort. Various factors can trigger allergies, infections, stress, or certain medications. If you’re dealing with hives and looking for relief, dermatologists have some practical strategies to help you get rid of them quickly. Here are their recommendations:

Identify And Avoid Triggers

The first step in managing hives is identifying and avoiding the triggers causing the reaction. Common triggers include certain foods, medications, pollen, pet dander, and stress. Keep a diary of your activities, nutrition, and exposures to identify potential triggers. Make sure you avoid them in the future after you have identified them.

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Use Over-The-Counter Antihistamines

Antihistamines are the go-to treatment for hives. They work by blocking the release of histamine, the chemical responsible for causing the itching and swelling associated with hives. Over-the-counter antihistamines like cetirizine or loratadine can provide fast relief. However, it’s essential to follow the recommended dosage and consult a healthcare professional if symptoms persist.

Apply Cold Compresses

Cold compresses can help reduce itching and inflammation associated with hives. Wrap an ice pack or a cold, damp cloth in a towel and apply it to the affected areas for 10 to 15 minutes. The cold temperature constricts blood vessels, reducing swelling and temporarily relieving itching.

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Take Short, Cool Showers

Avoid hot water as it can exacerbate itching and make the hives worse. Short, cool showers can relieve hives by soothing the skin and reducing inflammation. Gently pat your skin dry after showering, and avoid harsh soaps or fragrances that can further irritate the skin.

Try Topical Treatments

In some cases, dermatologists may recommend topical treatments to relieve hives. These can include creams or ointments containing calamine lotion, menthol, or aloe vera. These products can help soothe the skin, reduce itching, and promote healing.