There are times when happiness seems impossible to achieve. Getting a new job, finding the perfect partner, or losing just a little weight would make you happier. Experts agree that happiness is not related to any of those things.
Rochelle Gapere, a happiness coach, said, “Many times, we’re looking for external factors to make us happier rather than looking internally. Happiness is our birthright. Everyone deserves a life they feel good about and are excited to live.”
A few simple changes in your life can make a big difference. Here’s what happiness researchers think they are.

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Create A Daily Routine That Sets A Positive Tone
The one thing Gapere recommends for people who wish to live a happier life is creating a joy-inducing morning routine. She suggests thinking of three things you’re grateful for instead of immediately waking up and checking your work emails.
Change Your Perspective
Helen Russell, an expert on happiness and author, says that a shift in perspective can help cultivate happiness. It doesn’t mean having goals hinders enjoyment. It’s more about enjoying the journey than thinking you’ll be happy once you achieve your goal.
Embrace The Highs And Lows Of Life
The author recommends acknowledging that it is sometimes okay to be sad—necessary, even. Russell also believes that accepting life’s highs and lows is essential to living a happy life. She says, “We can all get happier by learning to be sad, better.”

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Avoid Comparing Yourself With Others
A pitfall of happiness is comparing your life with others. “Comparison is the thief of joy. Gapere said, “It’s particularly true if you spend time on social media. Stop comparing your life to someone else’s highlight reel.” Make your life romantic, which is mindfulness. Life is filled with beautiful moments; sometimes, we miss them.
Embrace Curiosity
Gapere emphasizes that these six changes won’t necessarily make you happier. It is possible to enjoy or experience life if you shake things up or feel like you are just going through the motions. Gapere said, “Many people are not unhappy; they’re just bored out of their minds.” It may also be necessary to consider prescription medications if you are experiencing clinical depression.