
Do Yoga Nidras Actually Work Or Is It Just A Hype?

Yoga Nidra, also known as yogic sleep, is a modern technique with roots in the ancient Hindu practice of yoga. As a connection point between the worlds of meditation and yoga, yoga Nidra has become a universal system that yogis practice and teach all over the world, according to Brett Larkin, a certified yoga instructor and founder of Uplifted Yoga. Yoga Nidra has been gaining popularity recently, and professionals are being consulted to determine what it is and whether it meets the expectations generated by its buzz.

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Yoga Nidra: What Does It Involve?

Yoga Nidra combines guided imagery with the supine posture known as “corpse pose,” or Shavasana, to induce deep relaxation while maintaining awareness, according to Maren Nyer, Ph.D., director of Yoga Studies. The practice involves techniques used in different stages to release emotional tension, relax muscles, and calm the nervous system.

Is Yoga Nidra Different From Meditation?

Yoga Nidra is similar to meditation and differs from the typical idea of yoga. It’s a form of guided meditation that incorporates movement and relaxation common to yoga. In a yoga Nidra session, the instructor guides the practitioner through specific techniques either in-person or via an app or virtual classroom. According to Larkin, Yoga Nidra is a simple form of meditation where one lies down and listens to the instructor’s voice, guiding their awareness of different body parts.

Yoga Nidra: What Is Its Purpose?

According to Larkin, yoga Nidra aims to promote a restful and systematic unwinding of the unconscious. While the practice was initially intended to increase yogic awareness, Larkin explains that many students now use it to fall asleep. Sleep consultants and app companies also use it to induce deeper, more restful sleep. Besides enhancing sleep quality, Yoga Nidra has been found to boost self-awareness, decrease stress, alleviate tension headaches, and assist with insomnia.

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Who Shouldn’t Practice Yoga Nidra?

Yoga Nidra is a gentle alternative to other yoga techniques for individuals with medical conditions or back pain. The practice involves moving awareness from the external to the internal world. It can improve sleep quality and mental health, but those with certain mental health conditions should avoid it.