
Can Cats Eat Watermelon? Here’s How To Feed Them Safely

While relishing a meal, your furry companion might attempt to beg for a little morsel, and occasionally, we succumb to their pleas. Regardless of the time of year, watermelon is a delightful and refreshing treat for humans. The good news is that watermelon is also generally safe for dogs. But what about our other beloved pets, the cats? To ensure your feline’s safety when treating them, continue reading to learn more.

Is Watermelon Safe For Cats To Eat?

Cats can eat watermelon, but it’s essential to exercise caution when feeding them this fruit or any human food. Watermelon is considered non-toxic for cats and can be offered as an occasional treat, as Purina recommends. However, if you give your cat watermelon, ensure it is seedless. Watermelon seeds contain small amounts of cyanide, which can be toxic to cats.

The Safety And Benefits Of Watermelon For Cats

While cats can eat watermelon, it offers few significant health benefits. The fruit may provide some hydration, potassium, or vitamin C, but the advantages are likely minimal, as cats usually get their essential nutrients from their regular diet. Watermelon should not replace their standard diet; overfeeding them could cause an upset stomach or diarrhea. Cats that are overweight or have diabetes should avoid watermelon due to its high sugar content, which may lead to health issues.

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Feeding Cats Watermelon Safely

When offering watermelon to your cat, it’s essential to take precautions. Firstly, remember to remove the seeds and rind, as they pose choking hazards. The peel can also lead to intestinal blockages or upset stomachs in cats. Cut the watermelon into bite-sized pieces before feeding it to your feline friend for safer consumption. Remember that not all cats may enjoy watermelon, so if your cat reacts unfavorably, don’t insist on making them eat it.