40 Things That Everybody Had In The ’50s That No One Sees Today


Made By: Hasbro
Avg. Cost: Unknown
Est. Value Today: $15*

Yahtzee, the enduring classic dice game, originated in the 1950s under the E.S. Lowe Company. Despite a shift to Milton Bradley’s production in 1973 following a buyout, the original version has sustained unwavering popularity. What makes Yahtzee remarkable is its timeless appeal, transcending age and diverse backgrounds. Remarkably, the game’s continued demand is evident as people are willing to pay approximately $15 for a set today, emphasizing its enduring allure. This enduring success, particularly for a game consisting of dice and a cup, underscores Yahtzee’s status as a universally cherished pastime that has stood the test of time.

Image Credit: Shutterstock/ZikG
