
Not Family Friendly: Dog Breeds That Might Cause Your Homeowners Insurance To Skyrocket


Traditionally used as a guard dog in Japan since the ancient times, the Akita has a good reputation for a great household guard dog. They are aggressive pack leaders, especially if you have other dogs in the house. The problem with this dog breed is that it might see small children as intruders, especially if your kids bring friends over to play. Of course, this breed can be trained to be friendlier; but, it is also important to educate kids on how to approach this dog breed.

Image Credit: Pexels/Aleix Plana

Pit Bull

While sometimes seen as a good guard dog or even a family dog, Pit Bulls can be quite dangerous. They are often bred for the purpose of dogfighting, so they can have quite the temper sometimes. If they attack, they can sometimes bite and clamp, unwilling to let go. There are even studies that show Pit Bulls are responsible for better than 30% of fatal dog bites. That’s not to say that some Pit Bulls can’t be friendly and make for suitable bets. But with this breed, there is always a risk that their temper will get out of control and they’ll end up attacking someone other than an intruder.

Image Credit: Pexels/Luis Negron

Doberman Pinscher

Dobermans have proven to be quite useful at times, often being used by the military. However, that means they are bred and trained to be aggressive and fight when they have to. They enjoyed great popularity during the 1970s, but during that time, there was a spike in dog bites from the breed. There are also a few horror stories from those days about Dobermans attacking their owners for no reason rather than only being aggressive toward strangers and intruders. These instances have become less frequent over the years. However, if a Doberman turns on you, things can get ugly, which is why insurance companies remain wary of them.

Image Credit: Pexels/Aysun Kahraman Öktem
